
If you found this page after listening to one of my audiobooks, welcome! More are coming! Get on my newsletter to hear about each of the releases. If you started to listen to an audiobook but want content notes, you can find those here: detailed content notes about all my stories.

These are the books currently available, or in production and coming soon:

Before He Was Her Headmaster (available now at Audible and Apple Books, coming soon to libraries and other retailers)

Above the Shop (available now at Audible, Spotify, Kobo Plus, Apple Books, Chirp, and libraries!)

Santa’s Baby (also available at Audible, Spotify, Kobo Plus, Apple Books, Chirp, and libraries!)

In 2024, expect Father of the Bride and Cabin Mates to also come out in audio. The Lowe Sibling series are slated for audio in late 2024.

If you have listened to these audiobooks and are curious about the bonus content, that’s coming soon!